Garden Calendar


Fall is the time to start putting our gardens to bed for the winter. Clean up, pest control, fertilizer and watering will all help your plants to survive the cold winter temperatures.


It is very important to take time and check to see that all plants has sufficient soil moisture. Plants that are dried out will have a harder time surviving the colder temps.

Deciduous Trees & Evergreen Shrubs

Plant and transplant evergreens and deciduous Trees.

Prune late flowering shrubs and trees when dormant.

Fertilize deciduous trees and evergreens shrubs.

Lawn Care

Scotts® Winterizer Lawn Care Program on your grass.

Keep fallen leaves raked up and composted.


Still a few weeks to plant and transplant perennials.

Applications of Deer/Rabbit Repellent.

Plant fall garden mums, and winter pansies.

Fertilize Garden Mums.


Fill Bird feeders.

Compost fallen leaves.

Pull weeds.

Bring in all houseplants for the winter before frost.

Pot up parsley, chives, rosemary to grow indoors for the winter months.