Step 1: Plant - Choose a container size to suit your plant
Start all 4 inch to 1-gallon size plants in 2 to 5 gallon containers.
For established 2 to 5 gallon plants chose a 16 to 20 inch container.
Fill the bottom of your container with the soil mix and pack down.
Place the blueberry and continue to fill around root with the soil mix.
Step 2: Soil Mix
1/3 Nature's Mate Cedar
1/3 Peat
1/3 Baccto Lite Potting Mix
1 Handful Espoma Soil Acidifier
Step 3: Water & Fertilize
Don’t let the container dry out.
Never use fertilizer with nitrogen in nitrate form! It can kill.
Blueberries love full sun.
Fertilize with acid based fertilizer once a month during the growing season.
Striking in bloom with tasty and nutritious berries loaded with
anti-oxidants, blueberries make the ideal container plant.
Recommended Products
Espoma® Organic® Soil Acidifier 6lb

*11* Peat

*D* Mulch Pro Cedar Mulch

