Garden Calendar


Be Patient! Michigan has a last frost date of May 30th, so, we still may have some over night frost, which you will need to take extra precaution for tender plants.


At the beginning of May, before buds set. You may still use Dormant Oil Spray to control over-wintered pests and disease.

If you haven’t used Scotts® Step 1 you still have until Mid-May.  

May 15th thru July 1st is the time to start using the Scotts® Step 2 Lawn Program.

Fertilize Roses, Annuals, Containers, and Perennials if you have not already this season.


Early May is the time to plant Pansies, Snapdragons, Stock, Dianthus and Petunias.

Late May you should be able to start planting your annuals like Impatiens, Fuchsia, Salvia, Zinnias. Depending on the weather!

Watch the weather forecasts, and protect your plants with a cloth if the night calls for frost.

Begin applications of Deer/Rabbit Repellant.

Begin watering as necessary.


All perennials may be planted outside at this time.

Divide early blooming perennials after they have finished flowering.

Divide late blooming perennials.

Set Plant Supports

Begin applications of Deer Repellant, Rabbit Repellant

Mulch perennial garden beds.

Begin watering as necessary.

Begin weeding.


May 15th the following plants can be planted: Brussels Sprouts, Early Cabbage, Early Cauliflower, Leek, Lettuce, Onions, Strawberry Plants, Sugar Snap Peas.

May 30th the following plants can be planted: Beans, Celery, Corn, Cucumbers, Eggplants, Herbs, Kohlrabi, Melons, Peppers, Pickles, Squash, and Tomatoes.

Shrubs & Trees

Begin planting deciduous trees and evergreen shrubs.

Mulch Azaleas and Rhododendrons.