Arugula Rocket Org
Arugula Rocket Org
Arugula’s flavor has been described as peppery, mustardy, and hot with a hint of tartness. It adds such an exciting, interesting flavor to salads. Most often eaten raw in salads but also steamed or added raw to many other dishes such as pizza. Tender baby greens are ready in 20-28 days, at 2”-4” tall. Also a good container variety. This packet sows up to 67 feet.
When to sow outside: RECOMMENDED.
2 to 4 weeks before your average last frost date, when soil temperature is at least 40°F; ideally 50°-70°F.
Successive Sowings: Every 3 weeks until 4 to 6 weeks before your average first fall frost date.
Mild Climates: Sow in fall for winter harvest.
When to start inside: Not recommended.
Special sowing instructions: To grow as baby greens, sow at 30 seeds per foot; no thinning required.