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Beet (red) Early Wonder Org

Beet (red) Early Wonder Org

Since 1911, ‘Early Wonder’ has delivered abundant greens, flavorful beets, and early production. Great for mild climates where multiple crops are possible. The 18” greens are delicious, and high in vitamins A and C, iron, and potassium. Beet seed is actually a dried fruit with 1-5 seeds in each fruit, so thinning is very important. This packet sows up to 30 feet.

When to sow outside: RECOMMENDED.

2 to 4 weeks before your average last frost date, when soil temperature is at least 45°F, ideally 60°-85°F, for early summer crop. 6 to 8 weeks before your average first fall frost date for late summer/fall crop. Growing during hot temperature periods should be avoided.

Mild Climates: Sow fall through winter.

When to start inside: Not recommended. Root disturbance delays maturity.

Special germination instructions: To hasten and improve germination, soak seeds for 12 to 24 hours before sowing.
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