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Echinacea Purple Coneflower Org

Echinacea Purple Coneflower Org

This treasured, heirloom wildflower, native to the eastern U.S., blooms for a month or more beginning in midsummer. The pinkish-purple petals of the daisy-like flowers surround a large, dark brown cone. Petals begin to droop as the cone enlarges and fills with seeds, which attract birds in the fall and winter. Echinacea grows well in a variety of conditions, and is excellent for water-wise gardens. Perfect for fresh cut flowers. All parts of echinacea are edible and the roots are used for medicinal purposes. Long-lived perennial in USDA zones 3-8; grown as an annual in warmer zones. Deer resistant.

When to sow outside: 2 to 4 weeks before your average last frost date, or in fall for spring germination. Ideal soil temperature for germination is 65°-70°F.

When to start inside: 10 to 12 weeks before your average last frost date (might bloom first year if started indoors).
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