Flower Mix Bring Home Butterfly
Flower Mix Bring Home Butterfly
It’s easy to convert your garden into a private retreat for butterflies with this mix of annual, biennial, and perennial flowers and herbs! A lovely range of flower colors, heights, and bloom times. Sown at a rate of 20 seeds per sq. ft., this mix covers approximately 48 sq. ft.
When to sow outside: RECOMMENDED.
Cold Climates: 2 to 4 weeks before your average last frost date.
Mild Climates: Fall through early spring.
When to start inside: Not recommended.
Mix contains by weight: 32% Dwarf Lupine, 7% Mexican Sunflower, Calendula, Cosmos, 6% Balsam, and 5% or less of each: Sulphur Cosmos, Borage, Bachelor’s Button, Blazing Star, Purple Coneflower, Parsley, Pincushion Flower, Butterfly Milkweed, Sweet Sultan, Lance-leaved Coreopsis, Crimson Clover, Sweet William, China Aster, Dill, Black-Eyed Susan, Tall Verbena, Rocky Mountain Bee Plant, Lemon Mint, Sneezeweed, Snapdragon, Bishop’s Flower, Sweet Alyssum.
Shake packet gently before opening to ensure even mixture of seeds.
This packet contains 100% seed - no fillers!