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Bean Pole Kentucky Wonder

Bean Pole Kentucky Wonder

You can’t lose with this 1800’s heirloom. ‘Kentucky Wonder’ (brown seeded) has wonderful, if not unsurpassed, flavor. It out-produces most other pole beans with heavy crops of 9” long, gently curved, somewhat flat pods. A multi-use bean - drying, shelling, and green. Stringless when young. Excellent for freezing. Good production even in hot climates. Resistant to common bean mosaic virus. This packet sows up to 20 feet or two 4-foot diameter teepees. See inside for instructions on how to build a bean teepee.

When to sow outside: RECOMMENDED.

1 to 2 weeks after your average last frost date, and when soil temperature is at least 65°F, ideally 70°-85°F.

Successive Sowings: Every 7 to 14 days up to 80 days before your average first fall frost date.

NOTE: In very hot summer areas, skip sowing as high heat approaches; temperatures consistently above 90°F will prevent beans from forming.

When to start inside: Not recommended.
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