Eggplant Black Beauty
Eggplant Black Beauty
Matures in 80 Days From Setting out Transplant
Eggplant is a vigorous grower that will produce 4-6 fruit on plants that grow 24-30 inches tall. The mild flavored fruits are very dark purple, smooth, glossy, uniform, excellent for slicing or stuffing.
SOWING…Start seed indoors 6 to 8 weeks before danger of frost is past. Plant seed 1 inch apart and cover with ½ inch of fine soil, well pressed down. Place seed starting tray in a very warm spot (both night and day) and cover with a frame of glass or clear plastic wrap to preserve the moisture until germination is complete, then place the tray in a warm sunny window.
THINNING…When plants are 2 to 3 inches tall, transplant 2 inches apart in another tray. After danger of frost is past, transplant outdoors in rows 2 to 3 feet apart, spacing plants 2 feet apart in the row.
GERMINATION…Germinates in 10 to 14 days depending on soil and weather conditions.
REMARKS…Eggplant requires warm weather for best results so it is best not to set them out too early. Maintain good fertility during the season. Cut instead of pulling from plant to avoid injury.