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Heritage Cucumber Straight Eight

Heritage Cucumber Straight Eight


An All-American Selections Gold Medal winner in 1935, Straight 8 is still quite popular today as it is early and highly productive.


Vigorous vines produce an abundance of 8 x 2 inch long, uniform, dark green, smooth, slightly striped fruit with white spines. Resistant to mosaic.


Plant seed outdoors in late spring when ground is warm and danger of frost is past. Traditionally planted in “hills” (a small circular group of 4-6 seeds) can also be planted in rows. Hills or rows should be 4 to 6 feet apart. Cover seed with ½” of fine soil, well pressed down. Keep moist until seeds sprout. When plants are 2-3” tall, thin hills to 3 or 4 strongest plants. Can be planted until mid-July. Matures in 63 days.

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