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Poppy Bread Lauren's Grape

Poppy Bread Lauren's Grape

Regular price $ 2.99
Regular price Sale price $ 2.99
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There is a local legend that renowned Colorado garden writer Lauren Springer sowed some poppy seeds from a bagel and discovered this unique variety. In reality, this experienced horticulturalist spent years culling the seeds from the rich purple poppies growing in her garden - knowing that gardeners would appreciate the superb beauty of this stunning cultivar. Bees love it, too! Drought tolerant. Deer resistant.

When to sow outside: RECOMMENDED.

4 to 6 weeks before your average last frost date, or as soon as soil can be worked; or early to mid-fall for bloom the following spring.

In mild climates, sow late summer to early fall for cool-season blooms. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 50°-65°F.

When to start inside: Not recommended; roots sensitive to disturbance.

Special germination instructions: Light aids germination; rake seed lightly into surface of soil; keep moist.
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