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Black-Eyed Susan

Black-Eyed Susan

Regular price $ 2.69
Regular price Sale price $ 2.69
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The state flower of Maryland has 2”-4” daisy-like flowers with orange-yellow petals. This beautiful, heirloom rudbeckia blooms over a long period - at least 8 weeks; winter seed cones supply food for birds, too. Black-Eyed Susan is a short-lived perennial (USDA zones 3-7), that may come back for a second or third year, but is often treated as an annual. Great cut flower. North American native wildflower; may re-seed itself and is an excellent addition to wildflower areas. Deer resistant.

When to sow outside: 2 to 4 weeks before your average last frost date, and as late as 2 months before your average first fall frost date.

When to start inside: 8 to 10 weeks before your average last frost date. If started inside early enough, may bloom the first year.

Special germination instructions: Light aids germination. Press seed into soil surface.
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