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Broccoli Romanesco

Broccoli Romanesco

Regular price $ 2.59
Regular price Sale price $ 2.59
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Matures in 75-100 Days

A unique type, these bright green whorled heads on a cauliflower-type plant are widely grown in northern Italy. They look gorgeous with their spirals and taste even better than the finest broccoli. Romanesco has a pleasing nutty taste to them that can be enjoyed raw, but if cooked lightly, will still retain its flavor and unique texture. Height 24 to 36 inches.

SOWING…Sow seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before last frost date. May also be sown in early spring in sunny location after all danger of frost is past. Space seeds 1 inch apart in rows, covering with ¼ inch of fine soil.

THINNING…When plants are 6 inches high, transplant in rows 2 feet apart, in rows spaced 3 feet from each other.

GERMINATION…Germinates in 7 to 14 days depending on soil and weather conditions.

REMARKS…Rich in Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and loaded with natural fiber.
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