Heritage Beet Bull's Blood
Heritage Beet Bull's Blood
There is evidence of beets being grown for both greens and roots as early as 2000 BC by the Celts in northern Europe. Introduced in the 1840’s, Bull’s Blood was primarily grown for its deep maroon foliage as an early spring ;green’. The roots are tender and sweet when harvested under the 2” size; perfect for pickling!
The tops are full and spreading and even make a nice ornamental in the garden or containers.
Plant seed actually a cluster of 3-4 seeds) directly where you want them to grow; beets will often bolt to flower if transplanted. Scatter seed in early spring as soon as the soil has begun to warm and cover with ½” of soil. When plants are 3-4” tall, thin to 8” apart and eat your thinnings. Can be successfully planted all season. Matures 30 days to leaf, 60 days to baby roots.