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Zinnia Lilliput

Zinnia Lilliput


Height 16-18 inches

A popular, medium size plant producing a generous supply of flowers which are very double, much like a pompom dahlia and are only about 1 ½ inches across. Colors are bright and well varied.

SOWING…Sow seed ¼ inch deep in fine soil when danger of frost is past.

THINNING…Transplant or thin to stand not less than 2 feet apart when plants are 3 inches tall.

GERMINATION…Germinates in 5 to 10 days depending on soil and weather conditions.

REMARKS…Zinnias thrive during hot weather in well fertilized soil, with moderate water. One of the easiest kind to grow from seed, a single row will provide plenty of blooms for cutting. May be sown up until the end of July.
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