Phlox Drummondi
Phlox Drummondi
Height 1 Foot
One of the easiest annuals to grow. For variety and combinations of bright fresh colorings they are unequaled and they flower freely during the entire summer bearing their blooms on strong stems.
SOWING…Sow seed outdoors as soon as the ground can be worked or start indoors 6 to 8 weeks earlier. Plant in rows 18 inches apart, spacing seed 1 inch in the row. Cover seed with ⅛ inch of fine soil, well pressed down. Keep soil moist until plants start to grow. Satisfactory results are obtained by planting seed outdoors as late as mid-June.
THINNING…When plants are 2-3 inches high, thin or transplant 12 to 15 inches apart.
GERMINATION…Germinates in 10 to 18 days depending on soil and temperature conditions.
REMARKS…The annual Phlox are of easy culture in any garden soil but will do best in well drained soil given plenty of moisture and plant food and full sun.