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Heritage Granny's Nightcap Mixed

Heritage Granny's Nightcap Mixed


Since the Middle Ages, the unusual shape of the flowers gave Aquilegia many common names. These nodding bell flowers have 5 spurs pointing upward, inviting Nana to put on her Nightcap and slumber. This collection of two-toned hues was one of Grandma Hart’s favorites.


Large, long-spurred flowers in bright clear colors appear early in summer the year after planting on 2 ½ foot tall stems. Grows well in any good, well drained soil in full sun or partial shade. A perennial which may also self-seed if pods are left in place.


Sow seeds outdoors in late spring after danger of frost is past. Press seeds into soil, covering lightly. Germinates in 3 to 4 weeks. When plants are large enough to handle, thin or transplant to stand not less than 2 feet apart for best bloom.

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