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Dahlia Dwarf Unwins

Dahlia Dwarf Unwins


Height 2 feet

Easily grown from seed and will bloom the first year. Plants bear a profusion of single and semi-double flowers in a wide assortment of colors.

SOWING…Plant seed outdoors after all danger of frost is past or start indoors 4 to 6 weeks earlier. Plant in rows 15 inches apart, spacing seed 2 inches apart in the row. Cover seed with ¼ inch of fine soil well pressed down.

THINNING…When plants are 2 to 3 inches high, thin or transplant to 15 inches apart each way.

GERMINATION…Germinates in 7 to 10 days depending on soil and weather conditions.

REMARKS…Dahlias prefer a well drained, rich light soil, and full sunshine. Bulbs can be dug in the fall and stored in peat moss over winter to be planted in the spring.
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