Bee Balm (Monarda)
Bee Balm (Monarda)
Height 24 to 48”
This beautiful native can be found along the moist woodlands of North America, blooming all summer from Canada to Mexico. Pink or lavender colored flowers appear as whorls on the top of sturdy stems. Each petal has a tubular shape perfect for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds to draw out the nectar. Leaves, stems and roots all have an orange-like fragrance.
SOWING…seeds directly outside on bare ground in late spring through fall. Do not cover seed with soil; just press them firmly to the ground and water well. They will grow well in full sun to part shade.
THINNING…when seedlings are 4-6” tall, thin or transplant to 24” apart in all directions.
GERMINATION…Unlike many wildflowers, this Monarda does not need stratification to germinate. Germination can take up to 30 days.
REMARKS…As a member of the mint family, Bee Balms can be aggressive, spreading through underground rhizomes. Mature plants can tolerate dry conditions. Leaves make an aromatic tea.