This is a good time for repair; sharpen mowers, trimmers, shredders, chain saws and weed-eaters. If your equipment needs repair, now is the time to do it. In the spring it may take weeks for a repair. Clean garden tools, and wipe them with vegetable oil to prevent rust.
Garden Calendar
Equipment Repair
Winter Plant Protection
In the event of snow, shake or brush off the snow from the branches of your evergreens and shrubs. The weight of snow may snap off branches.
Forcing Spring Flowering Shrubs
When temperatures rise above freezing in late January and February, select and cut branches that have many plump buds. Cut a few more branches than you expect to use because some may not absorb water satisfactorily. Use a sharp blade and take care not to disfigure the shrub or tree.
With pruning shears or a sharp knife, carefully split the cut end, one to four inches. Place cut branches in a container of warm water and recut one inch from the base of the stem. This will help prevent air from entering the stem through the cut end, blocking water uptake. Remove any buds and twigs that will be under water.
Shrubs that can be forced to bloom indoors:
Cercis – Redbud
Forsythis – Forsythia
Magnolia – Saucer Magnolia, Star Magnolia
Prunus – Flowering Cherry, Plum
Spiraea – Spirea
Viburnum – Viburnum
Cornus – Flowering Dogwood
Lonicera – Honeysuckle
Malus – Apple or Crabapple
Salix- Pussy Willow
Syringa – Lilac
Forcing Spring Flowering Bulbs:
Paperwhite Narcissus
To Force Bulbs to Bloom:
Pot up bulbs and store in a cool, dark place. Then after around 10-12 weeks, bring them indoors and put in a sunny area
Now is a good time to create a map of your garden and use it as a guide for your spring shopping. Need a new flower bed, or want a change of color. Bring your ideas to us and let us help you select the right plants for your locations.
Spring Checklist
- Fertilizer products
- Soil (peat, top soil, compost)
- Watering Wands, Watering Cans
- Gloves
- Insect Control (ants, grubs, spider mites, etc.)
- Leaf disease fungicides (powdery mildew, rust, etc.)