Growing Tomatoes

Growing Tomatoes

Tomatoes can be grown successfully in Michigan gardens. The tomato has specific soil requirements. Practices are suggested here to aid in obtaining a high yield of quality tomatoes.

Soil Requirements

A well-drained soil, high in organic matter is preferred. If heavy clay or clay loam soils are used, drainage problems should be corrected and organic matter content improved by growing cover crops or adding #1 Dairy Doo Soil Amendment.

For pots use #1 Baccto Lite Premium Potting Mix in a well-drained container.

For raised or new beds use #1 Baccto Garden Soil. This soil can also be added to depleted soils for soil rejuvenation.

Soil pH & Fertilizer Practices

Liberal amounts of fertilizer are required for large yields of tomatoes. Use #2 Tomato-Tone for container and ground beds. Ideally, the fertilizer can be top dressed onto the ground or in containers. However, many gardeners will broadcast the fertilizer before tilling or spading. Always follow labeled rates when using fertilizers. Use #3 Espoma Garden-Lime to amend the soil and to add much needed calcium to the soil.

Cultivation & Weed Control

Due to the small area involved and the variety of potentially sensitive crops grown in the garden, chemical weed control is not recommended. Control weeds by shallow and frequent cultivation. Deep cultivation may cut tomato roots and slow growth.


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